whiteemotion is one of the alias of Blanca Regina , audiovisual composer, performer and researcher born in Madrid 1980.

From an early tradition in theatre , vocals and performance studies, since 1995 to 2005 without interruption worked with Olga Manzano, and later will receive master classes by Jango Edwards (- clown and clown theory - ) and Manuel Ángel Conejero (-on Shakespeare.-)
Blanca Regina started developing video compositions and visual installations in 2000 regarding the identification with atmosphere and space. Creating from kinetic objets, to generative analogic/digital moving image devices, staging and designing visual contents, digital compositions with video and photography, audiovisual synthesis in ephimeral instalations and videoart works .
One of the founding members of LaptopsRus and the Spanish association Mademotion as well member of international ensemble The Lappetites. She has participated in RecMadrid (Spain), Mapping (Geneva), VisionR (Paris), La Casa Encendida (Optica Festival), Tabacalera (Madrid), Maus Habitos ( Porto), Niu ( Barcelona) and has shown video pieces at Galería H2O (Barcelona) and Loop Festival 2011. Colaborations at Medialab (Madrid) and artists such as Matt Black ( Coldcut), John Hegre, Brandy Alexander Project, Erissoma and Giulio Perinello.

Her works are based on crossmedia and real time techniques, creating and remixing visual and/or sound compositions live via analog handling and the aplication of the last techniques on real time performance. Teacher of multimedia technology and digital audiovisual technologies at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid lectured in 2010 the thesis work The VJ and the audiovisual performance: towards a radical aesthetic of the posmodernity receiving the cum laude mention.
Writer of the audiovisual history modul for the pioneer online educational project audiovisualacademy.com. Engajed with audiovisual art and culture is a founder member of the spanish asociation Mademotion and regular asesor and colaborator of other platforms. Presented several workshops :“videoblogging”- at U.R.J.C. Madrid. -“A/V live performance composition”- at University of Communication of Puerto Rico (2008) and La Creación Electrónica -LaptopsRus- Cáceres (2009.) and La Casa Encendida - Madrid (2011)
